About Me

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The contents of my head, plus photo´s and anything else I wish to share with the world. Please remember to acknowledge me if you use my stuff. It may be about you, it may not, you´ll never know! Obviously this blog represents my views and not any company or organisation I may be working for at the time of writing!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A little bit of poetry

If I could inspire one child
to do some good in the world

If I could make them aware
of how their actions affect others

If I could get them to believe in themselves
no matter how many people put them down

If I could walk around and see
their ways as a reflection of me

If I could change their minds
about how to live in this throw away society
be more green!

If I could alter their view of the system
allow them to realise
it´s all about playing the game

If I could give their parents an insight
show them how beautiful and bright their children are

If I could blend
respect, passion and pride
into each and every one

If I could make a difference
then I´d feel like
a someone.

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